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 Husqvarna Hammerless Shotguns - Sidelock Models

Husqvarna sidelock models are not very common, not many was made. Most likely the locks and actions seems to have been made by Sauer&Sohn in Suhl. Not that I can find any fact in the matter but the design is exactly the same as for a Sauer&Sohn sidelock.

Do you have some of the missing pictures below, please send them to me.


No picture available

This model was made 1901 to 1905.

The first hammerless HVA did, lock indicators with a arm. Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of damascus steel (compressed steel on request), 70 to 75cm long. In gauge 12 and 16. Greener crossbolt.


Picture to come

This model was made 1905 to 1918, totally 300 made.

Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of Swedish Special steel, ca 75cm long. In gauge 12 and 16. Dollshead 1905-1912, Greener crossbolt 1912 to 1918.


Picture to come

This model was made 1905 to 1918, totally 300 made.

Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of Swedish steel, ca 75cm long. In gauge 12 and 16. Dollshead 1905-1912, Greener crossbolt 1912 to 1918.


Picture to come

This model was made 1905 to 1917, totally 300 made.

Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of Swedish Special steel, 75cm long, with or without ejectors.

Engraving, typically HVA in style..


No picture available

This model was made 1911 to 1917, totally 47 made.

Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of Swedish steel, 75cm long, with or without ejectors.

Engraving, better then for 300.

301 Lyx

Picture, anyone?

This model was made 1913 to 1917, totally 15 made. Later (1972 to 1975) another 5 was made.

Locks and action most likely from Sauer&Sohn.

Barrels of Swedish Nickel steel Anoxid, 75cm long, with or without ejectors.

Engraving, better then for 300.

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Last update: 2012-02-17